On June 30th, Les and I were in town buying a few things when one of his friends called and asked what we were planning to do for Canada Day. This holiday is Les' favorite, and he always has something planned. We decided it would be nice to have a BBQ and invite a few people over. So we went to the grocery store and bought all the steaks etc. We invited Jay, Louis and Jessica, Grant and Lucie, and Jolene and Tyler.
The next day, July 1st, Les and I began cleaning the eavestrophs on the house. They were full from the shingling job we just had done. I was feeling a little "off", finding it very hard to bend down, and having more pressure than usual "down there". By 1 o'clock I began to make some lunch at which time I felt crampy and unwell. I told Les that I thought I might be starting labor, but he ignored me. He thought I was crazy. I became very emotional over the fact that he didn't like the soup I made...you get very irrational during this time in your pregnancy...and I had a shower. Because we were having company I did my hair, and put make up on etc etc.
At about 3 o'clock Jolene, Tyler and Drew arrived. I told Jolene I wasn't feeling that great, and that I had a lot of pain. She thought that I was probably just getting close to having the baby. But within an hour, the pains got worse and I was certain that I was in labor. Jolene thought "well maybe" and Les thought "there is no way she's having the baby today". But seriously the pain got worse!
I laid down, as people arrived and after another 2 hours or so (I can't really recall the time) I was ready to go to the hospital. Les was not impressed thinking that we would probably get sent back. I insisted, and we finally went. On the way he called my mom and dad to let them know.
The events at the hospital are a bit foggy since I was in a lot of pain, and they gave me some pain killers. Either way, I couldn't stand it and couldn't wait to have you out! There was a bit of time where your heart rate was fluctuating, and the doctor felt that a C-section might be necessary. So he called in another doctor to confirm. However, by then I was ready to push and the preparations were made to start. Lucky for me, they didn't want you to be in too much stress so they assisted in pulling you out with suction.
As soon as you were out your Daddy said beaming, "IT'S A BOY"! He was so excited and so was I. Your Sito and Grandpa were waiting outside the delivery room and couldn't wait to come in. I couldn't wait to hold you, and kept looking at the table where they worked to get you going. All the nurses and doctors were wonderful. I wouldn't have changed a thing. Everyone was kind and helpful, and calm (which I was not during delivery).
Anyway, there you were with all this hair! You were so small in my arms. You were born at 10:26pm and weighed 6 lbs, 2 oz. Daddy asked me if I still liked the name Cody, and we decided that it was the perfect name for you. You were now Cody Otto Lambert. Otto after my Judo (grandpa on my moms side). You had the sweetest little face, all wrinkly and squished. You made this funny breathing noise that I will never forget, but can't really describe here. You ended up doing that through the night, and into the next day.
The pictures here were taken the next morning when daddy brought me beautiful flowers. He had to go home the night you were born, but said he didn't sleep at all.
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