When it was time to take you home, we were a little nervous. It was a weird feeling, leaving the hospital as new parents. You looked so small in your car seat. I couldn't believe how small you were.
When we got home Billie, Ginger, and Max, our dogs were there to greet us. Daddy and I were a little worried about how Billie and Ginger would react. They were actually curious but scared of you! I was pretty surprised. Max, the big brute outside, was just happy to have us home!
When we arrived home we had the neighbours pop by for a quick visit. Ashley, was already willing to babysit!
Sito came over soon after and helped us with cleaning a cooking since that got neglected when I was pregnant in the last few days. Sito was (and still is) very excited to help. I think she truly is the most excited person on Earth over her new grandbaby. She has named you "the prince of the universe".
To me and daddy you quickly became our "little Cody-bear, with lots of hair". You still are Cody-bear to me.
Auntie Shari, Uncle Cory and the kids visited us since they were camping near by. Baby Ryan and you are the same age.
For the first month of your life, we slept you in a bassinette next to our bed.
Here you are in your car seat, with Val & Ashley, and in your bassinette only a few days old. Also, here is your very proud daddy holding you. You obviously inherited your hair do from him, and your good looks from me!
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