Yay! I am finally up-to-date with my posts! You are now ten weeks old and still so darn cute! In the last few days I have noticed you making more noises on your own. You have developed a little shreak that you do, and you have also starting cooing, and ooing. It is very sweet. Sometimes if we immitate you, you will repeat it. But you are still learning.
You seemed to be doing a little better with your tummy now. You have been having better nights for the past few days. You also slept your longest so far, from 8:30pm to 4:00am. I even got up to check on you because you usually wake up. But there you were peacefully sleeping.
There is something about watching you sleep that is very calming. Even when you have been crying and I am very tired or feeling stressed, looking at you while you sleep always makes me feel better. I hope you are having nice dreams.
Since the sleep deprivation for me has started, I noticed that I have been dreaming like crazy. I must really need to catch up! I don't often dream of you though. I mostly dream strange things or about daddy.
We took you for a little quad ride this week. I put you in your wrap and held you tight behind daddy. It was a little bumpy, but you slept through it. We were only gone about 20 mins.
Daddy and I finally caught some sweet pictures of you smiling! Look at how beautiful you are in the tub smiling away! I love your cheeks, I just want to eat you up!
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