Well this week started out a little rocky for you. You just got your 4 month immunizations so yesterday and today you have been a little off. But that is to be expected. Despite that you still have lots to do in a day!
Your Bumbo chair has given you a new perspective, since now you don't have to be lying underneath your gym, but sitting up next to it. It also gives you good practice holding up your head although you are still wobbly.
Yesterday Sito brought you a very nice gift that I think you are going to love! She bought you a Jumperoo! So far you are a little small for it, but I put you in it anyway. You look so funny because your legs are so short. This doesn't matter to you because you are still mezmerized by the music, lights and toys attached to it. Your face is priceless. You can do a little bouncing, but I think it will be awhile until you master that yet.
Nov 14.09- Today I went around your room and took a few pictures of your things. Before long you will go from a baby room to a little boys room to a teenage room. I just thought before the opportunity passes I should try and capture your space the way it is now.
I have been looking for ways to print off this blog when it's done by the time you are 1 year old. There are lots of differnt ways, but none that are quick. Most are time consuming. So I thought instead of making both a baby picture album and a blog book, I would just combine the two. So now as I journal weekly I will be building my book in prepartion for the printed version. It is quite the undertaking. Not because it's hard, but because it takes time and I can't leave you for more than a few minutes before you need a change in scenery. Ahh well I will do what I can. I just hope I don't get in over my head and will still be making it when my grandkids are born!
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