Thursday, November 26, 2009

21 Weeks: Spit Happens

Happy Birthday Sito!
Yeah, I know I look good!

Hey Good Looking!

Look what I can do!

My dear little man...or should I say fountain. You never stop drooling! I no sooner get you dressed and your shirt is soaked. What am I going to do?
As I said before you constantly have your hands in your mouth, so they are usually soaked. So is your face. Your cheeks are always wet!
It's funny though. Usually Daddy and I just have to laugh at you.
Now you are getting better at sitting up. We put you on our laps and then pull you up to sitting with your arms. You are engaging your abs now and you like to sit up. When we do this you think its funny and you usually smile a big open mouth smile.
You also now put weight through your legs and can sort of stand when we hold you. It's pretty amazing! I think it has something to do with that jumperoo. When you are excited or in the mood to do it, you fling yourself around in it bouncing wildly. It's so funny.
You love to be tickled and we love to tickle you! We get the best laughs and squeals out of you. There is nothing better than that. A person can't help but laugh when I baby does. It's a great stress reliever too!
Anyway, later this week we will go to Sito's for her birthday. She will be 51! Mommy will have to bake her a cake...I don't know what kind yet!

November 28. 2009- Well besides drool we have boogers! You have another cold. And yes daddy passed it on to you! Poor little guy. Your nose is running like crazy and your are sneezing. Oh and you hate to have your nose wiped! It's Sito's birthday today. She will be here later to have supper with us. Mommy is making lasagna and a poppy seed cake. Grandma Barb and Norm are coming too. Lucky boy!
Dec 1. 2009- HAPPY 5 MONTH Birthday! Yipppee!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

This is a picture of Daddy and his prize.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

20 Weeks: Monkey See, Monkey Do!

Daddy get up already!
Caught eating your blanket

My New quilt!

Checking out your new quilt
So many duckies!!

Good Morning my little man! You are actually having a nap right now so I thought I would take the opportunity to jot down a post for this week so far. Well today is the first day of your 20th week! You have changed so much.

There are a few new things that we have noticed. First, since we had the time change on the 1st of the month you have stayed on your own sleep time. Which means that you are attempting to get up even earlier, and wanting to nap by 8am!! You are all over the map in terms of sleep and I am not sure what to do. Especially since you are still waking up at least 3 times per night!

Another thing that you do now which actually is quite annoying is that you always pull my hair! Every time I pick you up, you instantly grab a handful of hair (and sometimes put it in your mouth). It hurts!

But to make up for that your cuteness stays true since you now copy what we do. For instance when you are babbling and we imitate you, you do it back. You also smile or laugh when we laugh. If you show you how to touch something, you then try again yourself. It's pretty neat to see.
The bathtime routine is your favourite part of the day. You love to splash around and be splashed back. You also love your duckies!

The things we do to get you to sleep are feed you, rock you a little, and then put you in the crib. Then mommy rubs your back or pats your bum and you usually fall asleep. If you wake up right away I usually try to just pat your bum or rub your back to help you fall back asleep.

This week Daddy's uncle Robert came to visit and his wife, Auntie Cindy made you another beautiful quilt. It is adorable with reds, yellow, blue green and clown print. It is made so perfectly. I am so amazed! Also, on November 24th Daddy finally shot a buck deer. He is so proud of it. Mommy is just glad that hunting season is almost over.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Quietly while you were asleep
The moon and I were talking
I asked that she'd always keep you protected

She promised you her light
That you so gracefully carried
You bring your light and shine like morning

And then the wind pulls the clouds across the moon
Your light fills the darkest room
And I can see the miracle
That keeps us from falling

She promised all the sweetest gifts
That only the Heaven's could bestow
You bring your light and shine like morning

And as you so gracefully give
Her light as long as you live
I'll always remember this moment

-Song by Sade.

19 Weeks: Lots of Learning!

Door sign that mommy made.

Babys shoes.

Just Chillin


Well this week started out a little rocky for you. You just got your 4 month immunizations so yesterday and today you have been a little off. But that is to be expected. Despite that you still have lots to do in a day!

Your Bumbo chair has given you a new perspective, since now you don't have to be lying underneath your gym, but sitting up next to it. It also gives you good practice holding up your head although you are still wobbly.

Yesterday Sito brought you a very nice gift that I think you are going to love! She bought you a Jumperoo! So far you are a little small for it, but I put you in it anyway. You look so funny because your legs are so short. This doesn't matter to you because you are still mezmerized by the music, lights and toys attached to it. Your face is priceless. You can do a little bouncing, but I think it will be awhile until you master that yet.

Nov 14.09- Today I went around your room and took a few pictures of your things. Before long you will go from a baby room to a little boys room to a teenage room. I just thought before the opportunity passes I should try and capture your space the way it is now.

I have been looking for ways to print off this blog when it's done by the time you are 1 year old. There are lots of differnt ways, but none that are quick. Most are time consuming. So I thought instead of making both a baby picture album and a blog book, I would just combine the two. So now as I journal weekly I will be building my book in prepartion for the printed version. It is quite the undertaking. Not because it's hard, but because it takes time and I can't leave you for more than a few minutes before you need a change in scenery. Ahh well I will do what I can. I just hope I don't get in over my head and will still be making it when my grandkids are born!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

October 2009 Family Pictures

Here are some of the beautiful family pictures that Lindsay took for us in October. They are our first family pictures together and also signify 5 years that Mommy and Daddy have been married.

Monday, November 9, 2009

18 Weeks: Such A Happy Baby Post #2

I decided to start another post for this week because the other one was getting long and I wanted to add another picture with some thoughts. First, in this picture you are sitting in your new Bumbo chair. It's the latest thing in helping babies like you sit upright. You are actually liking it and I have already noticed that you are able to hold your head a little straighter. It really gives you a new perspective on things.
Anyway, today just seemed sort of like a long day. I found myself thinking a lot about my emotions and how I feel about you. I couldn't help but get a little choked up. There is something about you that is so very special that I cannot really describe. I think it's the feeling of being a mommy of something or someone.
I love you so much, that it feels like I am going to burst. To see that beautiful gummy smile just makes me happy even when I am feeling frustrated or tired. Sometimes at night when I am putting you to bed you start to fuss and it is hard to settle you down. I get a little impatient because I am tired too. But then eventually you settle off to sleep and sometimes grin while you sleep. That makes any frustration melt away. Hearing you breath is so peaceful because it is so soft I can hardly hear it.
I feel so tired today, that I just want to crawl into bed, but I have to say that it is all worth it. Because tomorrow I will wake up and there you will be smiling and waiting for either daddy or I to lift you out of the crib. And tomorrow I will get to hear that lovely little giggle again. That is the best sound in the world.
Often I get these emails that say list your favourite color, smell etc etc. Here's my list today:
1: Favourite Smell: The smell of your head or your hair.
2. Favourite Sight: Your gummy smile and chubby cheeks.
3: Favourite Song: Your giggle and babbling
4: Favourite Touch: Is your soft skin
5: Favourite thing to do: Cuddle you or give you a bath.
Today you fell asleep in my arms while we watched t.v. I then put you down on the spare bed while I worked on the computer. Of course you woke up! You looked at me and smiled. When I leaned down to kiss you, you grabbed my hair and put your face in it. It was so sweet. It was a very special moment between mommy and you.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

18 Weeks: Such A Happy Baby

Messy Face!
Look at me fly!

Look how much I have changed

First Blog Header Photograph

Mr. Little Red Riding Hood

In this picture you are wearing a new little hoodie from Auntie Kelsey and Uncle Ian! You are starting to get quite a collection of "Canada" themed items now! It's a good thing you look good in red...and it's my favorite color.

I am doing a little updating of the blog today, I changed the header to a more recent photo. It was taken the day Auntie Lindsay did our family pictures. I will be posting those soon. Anyway I really like this one. I love the color of that touque on you! Of course your Mommy made that for you.

Today (Nov 4) I decided to try feeding you a little baby cereal. I made just a teaspoon and you did pretty well. I fed you some more before bed. I wonder if you will be less hungry in the night...I guess we'll have to wait and see. You are still getting up between 3 and 4 times per night. You seem to be hungry so maybe this will make a difference and allow all of us to get more uninterrupted sleep. You are holding your head up better. I have been working on getting you to look in both directions and stretching the right side of your neck. You seem to have a bit of a crooked neck right now, but I think it is pretty minor yet. We just need to strengthen your neck muscles more.

Daddy is now home from his hunting trip. He has a bad cold though! I hope you don't get it too!

Here is a picture of your messy face as you are learning to eat your cereal. You also love to be held up above us and wiggled. You smile...and drool all over us!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

17 Weeks: Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet!

I have been trying to post a new posting and new pictures for several days but for some reason the website hasn't been letting me. I am not sure what is going on!

Anyway you are in your 17th week now and have had some exciting days so far! You had your very first Halloween! Well you don't really know it this year but I still put a little baby costume on you. Mommy's friend Jolene lent to me, it was Drew's last year and you looked very cute in it. You were peas in a pod! So sweet! I took you to see my Auntie Najala, Uncle Randy & Auntie Brenda, and Auntie Tammy. All were so happy to see you and thought that the costume was so funny. It was actually but lots of fun! Then we went to see Sito and Grandpa and you were wearing a new t-shirt that Mommy made special for Sito. She was pretty happy about it.

It was a pretty long day. Mommy was very tired by the time we got home, and you were too. But you laid with Daddy on the couch and talked and talked all the while staring at your hands and trying to grab Daddy's finger with both your hands.

Today is November 1 which means you are officially 4 months old! Yay Happy 4 month Birthday. You got to spend the day with Sito while Mommy went to visit Auntie Lindsay, and Daddy went hunting. (He can't wait until you can go too).

I have mentioned before that you love your bath. As time goes on you are getting more energetic in the tub. You especially like to have the water trickled over your belly. This makes you smile and laugh. I poked some holes in the bottom of a container today to make a little shower for this fun game that you love! It went over really well. You were wiggling like crazy.
You really don't like it when I put lotion on your chest and belly. I don't know why. So I try to the best I can to give you a baby massage, but really you only tolerate the legs so far. Maybe eventually you will get used to it. I love to massage your feet and toes. It's relaxing for me to and you always smell so nice after.

Today, November 3, you and I spent the day alone together. Daddy has gone hunting so it was just me and you. He should be home tomorrow! I am sure he misses you already.