Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Our Journey Begins...

Dear Cody

I have decided to started this blog for you (and for me) about our life over the next year. You and I will be spending a lot of time together, since I am staying home from work to care for you. We have already spent lots of time together getting to know each other. It all started in November 2008 when I first found out I was pregnant. That's where our journey begins. I really should have been more diligent in documenting what it was like being pregnant. I guess now I have to make up for lost time. I will quickly try get us up-to-date so that each new post will be currrent and describe what is happening week to week for the next year. I hope I can stick with this. I usually forget about these kinds of things after awhile although my intentions are good. I think this will be a nice way to put together our first memories together and share our pictures. Your dad can also read it and see how you are growing while he is away at work. So here it goes! Today is August 25, 2009. Tomorrow you will be 8 weeks old!

Love, Mom

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