As time went on, you contined to grow. My belly started to become more and more noticable. With each doctors checkup, I grew more and more anxious about your arrival. Hearing your heart beat for the first time was so amazing. It was so fast!
During one checkup I remember, the doctor was using the doppler to listen for your heart. When she found it, you gave a kick right where she was holding it. Both the doctor and I started to laugh.
At this time I really started to notice that you liked to kick me in the ribs which was quite uncomfortable. You sat up pretty high with your feet to the left. This really made it hard to eat, because you took up so much room! You also pressed down on my bladder, making me have to pee constantly which was very annoying! At night I probably woke up 3 to 4 times just to pee.
Your little bum and back floated on my right side.
In this picture I am about 30-32 weeks pregnant. Work was getting difficult and my legs began to get very swollen. I wore compression stocking which helped but were so hot in June. I started to feel like I could not physically do as much, and was very tired again. Most evenings I would come home and just sleep. Les would have to make supper.
I started to get lots of stretch marks! I was really hoping I wouldn't get any, but I wasn't so lucky. Oh well, in the end it was worth it.
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