Hi readers! If you want to continue reading about Cody, and see more pictures as he grows please go to our new blog.
I will no longer be updating this one. I have sent it for printing! YAY!
I hope you will stick with us.
LOVE Hannan
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Close One Chapter and Begin Another!

Hello Little Man,
Mommy has been putting off the task of sitting down and writing the final post in this chapter of our lives together. We have hit and passed the one year mark. Every day I look at you, I can't believe how much you have grown and changed from that little peanut that came to be last July.
Mommy and Daddy love you so much. Mommy knows the meaning in her life now. You have brought so much joy to our lives and we are already so proud of you and all of your little accomplishments. Each day that we see you do something new brings big smiles to our faces.
We look forward to this next year with you as we watch you learn to walk, talk and so much more. And who knows maybe by the end, there may be a new little brother or sister for you. We hope so.
So for now Mommy is going to end this blog. I am thinking of starting another one just so I can continue to journal the chronicles of our lives as a growing family living on the farm!
I love you so much. You mean everything to me!
Mommy has been putting off the task of sitting down and writing the final post in this chapter of our lives together. We have hit and passed the one year mark. Every day I look at you, I can't believe how much you have grown and changed from that little peanut that came to be last July.
Mommy and Daddy love you so much. Mommy knows the meaning in her life now. You have brought so much joy to our lives and we are already so proud of you and all of your little accomplishments. Each day that we see you do something new brings big smiles to our faces.
We look forward to this next year with you as we watch you learn to walk, talk and so much more. And who knows maybe by the end, there may be a new little brother or sister for you. We hope so.
So for now Mommy is going to end this blog. I am thinking of starting another one just so I can continue to journal the chronicles of our lives as a growing family living on the farm!
I love you so much. You mean everything to me!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
52 Weeks: A Year Gone By Already?

Now that your party is said and done, Mommy is trying to get lots of your birthday pictures on the blog. I can't believe I am at week 52. I am really happy that I decided to keep up with this journal. It turned out better than the baby book, which I never really kept. That's okay! This was more detailed anyway.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
51 Weeks: Happy Birthday Week!

June 30/2010- Well my little man, tonight is your last night as a little baby I guess. Tomorrow you will be a big boy!! One year old already. I can't believe it. Seems so weird that last year at this time, Mommy was very pregnant with you. And you were probably kicking away like crazy being a little monkey just as you are now!
You are sleeping right now and Mommy and Daddy have got a lot of things ready for the party tomorrow. Mommy is making a big Canada Flag cake, Daddy made burgers and we bought lots of other good things to eat! We are very excited to have everyone over. I pray that we have nice weather! Last year actually the weather was very nice, although Mommy didn't get to enjoy it too much!
Well I will write more later I guess, after the party is said and done!
July 3/ 2010- Your party was a hit! We had lots of fun. In the morning Mommy and Daddy got the last minute things ready before people started to arrive. You got to open the presents from us. Daddy bought you a little ball glove, soft ball, Canada cooler and a sweater from Lammle's that says "Cowboy Up". Mommy bought you red slippers, and a new life jacket. Plus everything else for the party!
We had lots of guests who all enjoyed the BBQ burgers Daddy made. You weren't really feeling well I don't think since you still have a darn cold. So you had a nap half way through the party. Then we had your fancy cake which you didn't understand. You are still too little. But that's okay it was still fun for Mommy and Daddy. You didn't really even eat your cake. MMMmmmm it was Mommy's famous chocolate cake too!
Everyone who came was very generous and brought wonderful gifts for you. TOO MANY! We appreciate it very much. It's nice to know we have such nice friends and family. You got lots of new toys that you will learn to play with soon. Some new clothes and money too.
All in all it was a good day. It was a lot of work, but I am really happy that I did it for you! Why not? You are my little star!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
50 Weeks: Riding in Style

Well in the last week you have enjoyed going for rides on many different things! You love to ride the quad with Mommy and Daddy, and now when we go you make a "brrrr" noise like a motor. It is very cute.
We also have taken you around the yard on the lawn mower while cutting grass and you don't seem to mind that.
Two new things were that Daddy took you for a 2 second ride on the Harley, since he wants to sell it now and thought you should sit on it at least once!
And we bought a boat, so we took you fishing and boating. You really liked that! You seem to really love being outside. Sometimes when you are fussy Mommy just has to put you in the stroller outside and you are quiet. You love to look around at everything, and listen to all the different bird sounds etc. I think you will be a kid who loves the outdoors. Good thing!
We also have taken you around the yard on the lawn mower while cutting grass and you don't seem to mind that.
Two new things were that Daddy took you for a 2 second ride on the Harley, since he wants to sell it now and thought you should sit on it at least once!
And we bought a boat, so we took you fishing and boating. You really liked that! You seem to really love being outside. Sometimes when you are fussy Mommy just has to put you in the stroller outside and you are quiet. You love to look around at everything, and listen to all the different bird sounds etc. I think you will be a kid who loves the outdoors. Good thing!
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
49 Weeks: A Very Runny Nose

Ahh my little man, you have been sick this week. Poor little guy, you've caught a nasty cold. There has been snot everywhere! All over Mommy! And there are kleenex and wipes scattered throughout the house.
Thankfully you have not developed a bad cough or anything, and hopefully you won't. You are still sleeping okay despite the fact that you are having a hard time to breathe. But Mommy has given you a Eucalyptus bath and rubbed baby Vicks on you!
Big news for this week...is that Daddy should be home in a few days.
Here are some pictures of you "brushing your teeth". I have tried to use the finger brush, but now you just bite my finger!
Daddy came home on Friday, and guess what "you bought him for Father's Day"...a boat! Mommy wasn't too keen on getting a boat, but it is a nice thing that we can do activities as a family. You got to go for your first boat ride, and fishing trip. Mommy took lots of pictures, but of course the camera is now missing.
Daddy has decided to put is motorcyle for sale, so Mommy took some pictures of you sitting on it with Daddy.
Monday, June 14, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
48 Weeks: Curious George

This week went by quickly with it being Mommy's 2nd week back at work. It was also my birthday and Mommy turned 28! Yikes! We went to Sito's for pizza and cake. Sito makes good pizza...except when she puts broccoli on it! Mommy always tells her that it doesn't go on pizza!
You did well at the sitters, except for yesterday in which you cried quite a bit in the after noon. You did the same thing today. But I think you had a sore tummy because you had a very big poop and you were all better!
Mommy called this post Curious George because you are in a very curious stage right now. You crawl over to everything, touch everything etc etc. You are always looking for something new and trying things out. Of course you don't know who Curious George is. He was a popular cartoon Monkey a long time ago. But that name suits you now!
Tomorrow Mommy will be going out to LLB to Andrew's Grad. Mommy remembers visiting Auntie Najala Andrew when he was just a baby and was there when he took his first steps! Now he is graduating from high school. It's really amazing how time flies. I guess it's because we are always so busy that the days just cruise!
Daddy is still at work, but checking your blog every 10 mins. He really misses you!
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