Hi Baby Boy!
You are sure getting big! Just look at you in this picture. This is your ten month pose. Such a difference from that tiny newborn. Also you are very heavy! Mommy's arms get so tired packing you around. Oh well maybe I will have nice pipes yet!
This week has been very busy complete with a trip to the city and a sleep over at Sitos. Mommy had eye surgery to fix up her left eye vision which went really well. I can see much better now. Daddy got us a nice hotel room. He actually got a fancy theme room from the Fantasyland Hotel. OOoooohhh we even had a jacuzzi tub. It was fun and a nice break. You slept over at Sitos and had lots of fun. She took you visiting. You saw Judo, Great-Grandma and a few other people.
Unfortunately you have not been feeling well in the last few days. Lot's of crying and whining (my doesn't love that). I think it is because of those darn teeth. But thankfully it looks like they are almost through.
That's really it for now. Here is another picture of you showing off you muscles before your bath.
Oh one more thing...
The count down has really begun now for Mommy to return to work. It's less than a month away now. Where did the time go?
omg, so cute. he is becoming quite the little chubbers...haha