One thing that I better jot down for you is that this year the Winter Olympics are taking place in Vancouver. Our Canadian athletes already have won some medals and are doing well. You have no idea about this yet, but here you are showing your support in your Team Canada T-shirt. You don't have your own hockey stick yet, but you have that toothbrush that you are proudly displaying!
Feb 25.2010- AHHHH! Last night was the first night of my attempt to make you go back to sleep by yourself and let me tell you it wasn't fun. You haven't slept through the night since you were born, and at 8 mo (in a few days) I think it's high time you did! Mommy is tired of waking up 3 times a night, and I know it's not necessary.
So anyway you woke up last night at 11:53 pm. I thought you would cry for 20 minutes or so. But no, 1 hour later you were still crying. The whole time I stood outside your room humming to you and shhhhing until I needed to get some water! You flipped yourself over in your protest and kicked off the blankets so every 10 min or so I turned you back and covered you up. Anyway you finally went to sleep and so did it. At 3 am I woke up and fed you while you were still asleep and changed you. You didn't wake up again until I think about 5:30 am. I just had to ignore you and eventually you went back to sleep until about 6:30 am. I then went and picked you up and we hung out in my bed for awhile.
Mommy is very tired today. But I have to stick with it. I really hope you catch on quickly! I feel so bad, but I know it's for the best! I hope you don't hate me later when you read this. Someday when you have kids you'll understand!